Welcome to my… blog… thing. Previously this was a typical chronological blog, but I’ve started turning this more into a digital garden. I started by just migrating everything over and made sure they were in the same places as they were before.

We’ll see how things go.

There are some helpful controls in the top right of each page. Search is self-explanitory. The little cursive a toggles whether the side note text is using a cursive font or a sans serif font, for people who have trouble reading the cursive font. The sun/moon toggles light and dark mode. The page will default to whatever your OS is set to, but this lets you switch if you want.

If you come upon greyed out links it just means I haven’t written that bit yet, but I’m planning to.

These are various starting points into the garden, and you can find more links from those pages. Wander about, see what you find. I’m still working out how I’m organizing it all.

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